Monday, August 11, 2014

zucchini soup?

Test recipe:
roasting some potatoes and zucchini.  4 red potatoes roasting at 450 with some olive oil before i add 1.5 huge zucchini cut into inch cubes.  We were at deb and brians this morning while Deb was making some chicken cassarole.  I grabbed a gallon of her chicken broth from the stove and brought it home in a milk jug.  I've got half of it simmering on the stove in a huge pot with some sauteed onion and celery. I threw it all together and let it cook for a bit.  I added some whole milk and heated it back up to almost boiling.  Blended, bagged, and freezed.  It tasted like a cream of celery soup.  Something I don't thing I want to just eat, but I should be able to use it in place of a canned soup in a casserole.  We'll see.
I got the general idea from this recipe on allrecipes:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Excuses. Excuses..

2013 wasn't a great garden year.  I'm sitting here on a snow day and we don't have any frozen tomato soup to hit the spot.

Excuse #1-  Henry

Excuse #2- the tiller
    The old rear-tine craftsman tiller that has been getting it done for upwards of a dozen years was spilling more gas out of a poorly reconstructed carburetor than it was delivering to it's sputtering motor.

Excuse #3-the rain
    All of those prayers for rain over the years got answered this year all at once.  Early summer was a wash.  By the time we went to the beach in July over half of the tomato plants had drowned.

Soooo- 2014- Solution #3- If it looks like the pit will hold too much water I'm going to dig a little channel out at the side and loose all of that nutrient-rich compost tea out into the yard.

Solution #2- I got myself a new husqvarna tiller that I already used a couple of weeks ago to get everything ready for 2014.

Solution #1- Big man is going to be ready to eat vegetables this year.  I'm pretty happy to be able to grow Henry some organic veggies.  Of course he probably won't have anything to do with them.